// Future Now

Emerging tech reshapes mobile experiences

The way we interact with our mobile devices has undergone a radical transformation. Gone are the days of simple games and basic utility apps. Today’s users demand a more sophisticated experience. They crave intelligent assistants that anticipate their needs, personalized recommendations powered by cutting-edge algorithms, and immersive experiences that seamlessly blend the physical and digital worlds. This paradigm shift is fueled by a wave of emerging technologies, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), the Internet of Things (IoT), and Blockchain. These innovations are reshaping the mobile app development landscape, creating a universe of limitless possibilities for businesses and users alike.

// Function to Fortune

From Functional to Profitable

As a leading mobile app development company, we understand the ever-evolving nature of the mobile landscape. The constant emergence of powerful new technologies presents exciting opportunities to create apps that are not only functional but also significantly more engaging and profitable. Here’s a closer look at the key advantages of incorporating these Emerging Technologies into your mobile app development strategy.

AI and Machine Learning (ML)

Imagine an intelligent assistant seamlessly integrated within your app, anticipating user needs and tailoring the experience to individual preferences. AI and ML can personalize recommendations, predict user behavior, and provide proactive assistance, creating an intuitive and frictionless UX.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

Transcend the limitations of the physical world. AR overlays digital elements onto real-world environments, offering users a richer and more interactive experience. VR creates immersive simulations, perfect for training, education, and entertainment. Kernshell's Emerging Technology Consulting expertise can help you leverage AR and VR to create truly engaging mobile app experiences.

IoT Integration

Connect your app to a network of smart devices, fostering a cohesive ecosystem. Users can control their smart homes, wearables, and other connected devices directly through your app, increasing utility and driving deeper engagement. Kernshell's Emerging Technologies Development Services can help you seamlessly integrate IoT functionalities into your mobile app.

Push Notifications with AI Personalization

Don't bombard users with generic notifications. Kernshell's Emerging Technology Consulting expertise can help you leverage AI to deliver targeted and relevant updates based on user behavior and preferences, keeping them actively engaged with your app.


Integrate game mechanics like points, badges, and leaderboards to motivate users and encourage continued interaction with your app. This playful approach can significantly boost engagement.

In-App Advertising with AI Targeting

Reach the right audience with the right message. AI can personalize ad placements within your app, ensuring users see relevant advertisements. This targeted approach leads to higher click-through rates and potential revenue growth.

Subscription-Based Services

Offer tiered subscription plans within your app that unlock premium features, exclusive content, or priority access. This creates a recurring revenue stream and incentivizes long-term user engagement.

AR/VR Commerce

Revolutionize e-commerce by allowing users to virtually try on clothes, visualize furniture placement, or experience products in a simulated environment. This fosters a more interactive shopping experience and potentially increases sales. Kernshell's Emerging Technologies Development Services can help you develop cutting-edge AR/VR commerce features for your mobile app.

IoT Data Collection and Analytics

Gain valuable insights into user behavior and device interactions through data collected from connected devices. Kernshell's expertise in Emerging Technology Consulting can help you leverage this data to optimize your app's performance, identify areas for improvement, and streamline backend operations.

AI-Powered Chatbots

Provide 24/7 customer support and address basic inquiries through AI-powered chatbots. This frees up your human support team to focus on more complex issues and improves overall customer satisfaction.

Cloud-Based Development

Leverage the scalability and flexibility of cloud-based development platforms. This reduces infrastructure costs, enables faster development cycles, and simplifies app maintenance.

// Function to Fortune

From Functional to Profitable

As a leading mobile app development company, we understand the ever-evolving nature of the mobile landscape. The constant emergence of powerful new technologies presents exciting opportunities to create apps that are not only functional but also significantly more engaging and profitable. Here’s a closer look at the key advantages of incorporating these Emerging Technologies into your mobile app development strategy.

Enhanced User Experience (UX)
AI and Machine Learning (ML)

Imagine an intelligent assistant seamlessly integrated within your app, anticipating user needs and tailoring the experience to individual preferences. AI and ML can personalize recommendations, predict user behavior, and provide proactive assistance, creating an intuitive and frictionless UX.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

Transcend the limitations of the physical world. AR overlays digital elements onto real-world environments, offering users a richer and more interactive experience. VR creates immersive simulations, perfect for training, education, and entertainment. Kernshell's Emerging Technology Consulting expertise can help you leverage AR and VR to create truly engaging mobile app experiences.

Increased Mobile App Engagement
IoT Integration

Connect your app to a network of smart devices, fostering a cohesive ecosystem. Users can control their smart homes, wearables, and other connected devices directly through your app, increasing utility and driving deeper engagement. Kernshell's Emerging Technologies Development Services can help you seamlessly integrate IoT functionalities into your mobile app.

Push Notifications with AI Personalization

Don't bombard users with generic notifications. Kernshell's Emerging Technology Consulting expertise can help you leverage AI to deliver targeted and relevant updates based on user behavior and preferences, keeping them actively engaged with your app.


Integrate game mechanics like points, badges, and leaderboards to motivate users and encourage continued interaction with your app. This playful approach can significantly boost engagement.

New Revenue Streams
In-App Advertising with AI Targeting

Reach the right audience with the right message. AI can personalize ad placements within your app, ensuring users see relevant advertisements. This targeted approach leads to higher click-through rates and potential revenue growth.

Subscription-Based Services

Offer tiered subscription plans within your app that unlock premium features, exclusive content, or priority access. This creates a recurring revenue stream and incentivizes long-term user engagement.

AR/VR Commerce

Revolutionize e-commerce by allowing users to virtually try on clothes, visualize furniture placement, or experience products in a simulated environment. This fosters a more interactive shopping experience and potentially increases sales. Kernshell's Emerging Technologies Development Services can help you develop cutting-edge AR/VR commerce features for your mobile app.

Improved Operational Efficiency
IoT Data Collection and Analytics

Gain valuable insights into user behavior and device interactions through data collected from connected devices. Kernshell's expertise in Emerging Technology Consulting can help you leverage this data to optimize your app's performance, identify areas for improvement, and streamline backend operations.

AI-Powered Chatbots

Provide 24/7 customer support and address basic inquiries through AI-powered chatbots. This frees up your human support team to focus on more complex issues and improves overall customer satisfaction.

Cloud-Based Development

Leverage the scalability and flexibility of cloud-based development platforms. This reduces infrastructure costs, enables faster development cycles, and simplifies app maintenance.

// Craft Experiences

Don't Just Build Apps, Build Experiences

Emerging Technology Consulting at Kernshell can help you navigate this exciting new frontier. We don’t just follow trends; we are pioneers, guiding you in harnessing the power of these next-generation technologies to transform your mobile applications into powerful tools for engagement and success. Here’s a glimpse into what each technology can offer.

  • Develop intelligent chatbots that provide exceptional customer service and support.
  • Implement recommendation engines that personalize the user experience and drive engagement.
  • Utilize machine learning for predictive analytics, allowing you to anticipate user needs and deliver proactive features.
  • Provide product visualization experiences, allowing users to see how a piece of furniture might look in their home or how an article of clothing might fit them.
  • Offer educational AR experiences that bring complex concepts to life through interactive 3D models and visualizations.
  • Create immersive VR experiences for gaming, entertainment, or even training and simulation purposes.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Our
Emerging Technology App Development Experts!

// Innovate Together

Beyond Mobile Apps, Your Technology Partner

Kernshell builds mobile apps with cutting-edge tech (AI, AR/VR, etc.) We’re not just developers, we’re emerging technology consultants. We’ve helped businesses across industries leverage these technologies to achieve amazing results (e.g., AI chatbots for customer service, AR product visualization for sales). We guide you through the process to ensure your app uses the right tech to fit your goals.

AI/ML App Development Services
  • Personalized Experiences
    • Recommendation Engines: We leverage AI to create recommendation engines that suggest products or content users will genuinely love, boosting engagement.
    • Deep Learning Techniques: Our expertise in deep learning allows us to develop intelligent features that continuously learn and improve.
    • Smart Chatbots: We craft chatbots powered by Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning to provide real-time support and answer user queries effectively.
  • Predictive Analytics
    • Time Series Forecasting: We utilize advanced analytics to predict future trends and user behavior, allowing you to stay ahead of the curve.
    • Anomaly Detection: Our systems can identify unusual patterns in user behavior, helping you proactively address potential issues.
AR/VR App Development Experts
  • Augmented Reality (AR)
    • Product Visualization: We create AR experiences that allow users to interact with virtual representations of your products in real-world settings.
    • Location-Based Experiences: Imagine location-based AR games or interactive guides that bring your brand or location to life.
  • Virtual Reality (VR)
    • Training and Simulations: Immerse your trainees in realistic VR simulations for enhanced learning and skill development.
    • Interactive Marketing: Create captivating VR experiences to showcase your products or services in a truly memorable way.
IoT App Development Solutions
  • Secure Communication Protocols: We prioritize security by implementing robust protocols like MQTT and TLS to ensure safe data exchange between your mobile app and connected devices.
  • Secure and Scalable IoT Integrations: Our team seamlessly integrates your mobile app with various IoT devices, ensuring scalability and efficient data management.
  • Real-Time Data Management and Analytics: We help you harness the power of real-time data collected from IoT devices to gain valuable insights and provide users with actionable information.
  • Cloud-Based Infrastructure: Leveraging the power of the cloud, we ensure your IoT app is scalable and accessible from anywhere.
  • Device-Specific SDKs: Our developers are proficient in utilizing device-specific SDKs to optimize your app’s performance across different IoT devices.
Blockchain App Development for Businesses
  • Blockchain Platform Selection: We’ll guide you through the selection of the most suitable blockchain platform to meet your specific needs and security requirements.
  • Smart Contract Development: Our team can craft secure and efficient smart contracts to automate business processes within your mobile app.
  • Decentralized Storage Solutions: Explore the potential of decentralized storage solutions to securely store and manage your app’s data.
Wearable Device Integration
  • Seamless Data Exchange: We ensure seamless data exchange between your mobile app and wearable devices, unlocking a treasure trove of user data for valuable insights.
  • Sensor Fusion and Data Analysis: Our expertise in sensor fusion allows us to combine data from various sensors on wearable devices for a more comprehensive understanding of user behavior.
  • Fitness Tracking and Coaching Apps: We can develop engaging fitness tracking and coaching apps that leverage wearable data to motivate users and help them achieve their fitness goals.
  • Healthcare Monitoring Apps: Imagine healthcare monitoring apps that collect real-time data from wearables, allowing users to track their health and well-being more effectively.
  • Enterprise Productivity Apps: Boost workplace productivity with custom enterprise apps that seamlessly integrate with wearable devices.
// Build it Right

Emerging Tech Application Development Process

  • Conduct user research (interviews and usability testing) to understand user needs and expectations when interacting with the new technology.
  • Utilize rapid prototyping tools to create early, low-fidelity prototypes for quick user feedback and iterative improvements based on their input.
  • Break down functionalities related to the technology into small, user-centric stories within each Agile sprint.
  • Prioritize core features that address user pain points and deliver them first.
  • Continuously refine the development backlog based on learnings and emerging trends in the technology landscape.
  • Integrate automated testing frameworks specifically designed for the chosen technology (e.g., AI/ML testing frameworks, VR performance testing frameworks).
  • Utilize containerization tools (like Docker) to isolate development environments for different functionalities involving the technology.
  • Leverage virtual machines to create dedicated testing environments that mimic real-world scenarios with specific wearables or IoT hardware.
  • Integrate monitoring tools within the CI/CD pipeline to track performance metrics relevant to the technology (e.g., model accuracy for AI/ML, frame rates for VR).
  • Ensure seamless integration of the technology codebase with the existing app codebase within the pipeline.
  • Focus on unit testing and integration testing for functionalities related to the technology early in the development cycle to catch bugs and ensure proper integration before extensive user testing.
  • Emphasize security testing throughout the development lifecycle, focusing on vulnerabilities specific to the chosen technology (e.g., data security for IoT, smart contract security for Blockchain).
  • Conduct thorough performance testing to ensure the app remains responsive and stable with the technology integration (e.g., testing model inference speed for AI/ML, frame rates within VR under varying load conditions).
  • Create isolated feature branches for development involving the technology. This allows for easier rollback and avoids conflicts with the main codebase.
  • Maintain clear naming conventions for these branches to identify the specific technology being developed.
  • Clearly tag versions in your code repository to track specific integrations of the technology, facilitating rollbacks and maintaining a history of changes.
  • Emphasize code reviews for features using the technology.
  • Involve team members with expertise in the chosen technology during code review sessions to ensure code quality and adherence to best practices.
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James Woods
James Woods
CEO and Legal Director, E C Legal
Kernshell is playing a large part in the development of our new management software for our legal practice. Called Law Office Information System or LOIS for short it is a complete solution for the operation of small to medium size law firms. Kernshell and its Director of Services, Rudresh Dave, have been involved in the project from the outset and have provided excellent advice and delivered quality code on or before due dates and at a very reasonable price. I could not recommend them more highly.
Simon Giordano
Simon Giordano
CEO, Spondooli
Rudresh and Kernshell Services have been an integral part of the development and ongoing maintenance of our software. Fast responses, attention to detail and turnaround time, they will not let you down. It is a pleasure to have Kernshell Services be a partner of the Spondooli Fast Money Team.
James Woods
James Woods
CEO and Legal Director, E C Legal
Kernshell is playing a large part in the development of our new management software for our legal practice. Called Law Office Information System or LOIS for short it is a complete solution for the operation of small to medium size law firms. Kernshell and its Director of Services, Rudresh Dave, have been involved in the project from the outset and have provided excellent advice and delivered quality code on or before due dates and at a very reasonable price. I could not recommend them more highly.
Simon Giordano
Simon Giordano
CEO, Spondooli
Rudresh and Kernshell Services have been an integral part of the development and ongoing maintenance of our software. Fast responses, attention to detail and turnaround time, they will not let you down. It is a pleasure to have Kernshell Services be a partner of the Spondooli Fast Money Team.
// Partnership

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